Turn REC Registry data into beautiful reports

What are we?

Simply put, Solstone is a report generator.

We turn data provided by the REC registry into information that is useful to your business. Simple and engaging charts help you to visualise the market and make informed decisions. Your charts are fully customisable, allowing you to select the data that is meaningful to you. Our online portal means that you can access our service at any time, and choose to generate your reports at your discretion.

From seeing which companys are buying RECs all the way to companies whose RECs have failed audits, below are just a handful of the possible charts available to you. To see our full range of options with no risk to you, sign up today for your free trial.

We are committed to providing you the information that you want. If you would like to see different reports available, please contact us and one of our team will be in touch to discuss your needs.


Choose only the data that you want to see.


Easy to understand formats that help you to visualise the market.

On demand

Generate your reports whenever it is convenient for you.


Stay ahead of your competitors.